Honors & Awards
- Recipient of North Campus Dean’s MLK Spirit Award, 2024.
- Recipient of NSF CAREER award, 2023.
- INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition – Second Place, 2023.
for the paper: On the Optimization Landscape of Burer-Monteiro Factorization: When do Global Solutions Correspond to Ground Truth?
- INFORMS Data Mining Best Student Paper Competition – Finalist (as a co-author), 2023.
for the paper: Heterogeneous Matrix Factorization: When Features Differ by Datasets
- Murty Best Paper Prize (as a mentor), 2023.
for the paper: Blessing of Depth in Linear Regression: Deeper Models Have Flatter Landscape Around the True Solution
- INFORMS Computing Society Best Student Paper Prize – Runner Up Prize (as a co-author), 2022.
for the paper: A Graph-based Decomposition Method for Convex Quadratic Optimization with Indicators
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, NeurIPS, 2021.
- INFORMS ENRE Best Student Paper Award (as a co-author), 2020.
for the paper: Smoothing Property of Load Variation Promotes Finding Global Solutions of Time-Varying Optimal Power Flow
- Outstanding Student Paper Award of of the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 2020.
for the paper: Absence of Spurious Local Trajectories in Time-Varying Optimization: A Control-Theoretic Perspective
- Best-of-the-Best Conference Paper Award of the 2020 Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2020.
for the paper: Load Variation Enables Escaping Poor Solutions of Time-Varying Optimal Power Flow
- IEOR Faculty Fellowship Award, 2019.
UC Berkeley
- INFORMS Data Mining Best Paper Award, 2018.
for the paper: Graphical Lasso and Thresholding: Equivalence and Closed-form Solutions
- Finalist for American Control Conference Best Paper Award, 2018.
for the paper: Closed-Form Solution and Sparsity Path for Inverse Covariance Estimation Problem
- Katta G. Murty Best Paper Award, 2018.
for the paper: Graphical Lasso and Thresholding: Equivalence and Closed-form Solutions
- Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, 2017.
UC Berkeley
- Marshall-Oliver-Rosenberger Fellowship Award, 2017.
UC Berkeley
- Best Reviewer Award, 2016.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
- Armstrong Fellowship Award, 2014.
Columbia University